Amazon Shipping

Setting up a Parcel Account with Amazon Shipping

You can ship orders via InfoPlus with an Amazon parcel account. While setting up the Parcel Account is the same process as it would be for any Parcel Account in general, there are some unique requirements to take into consideration before you can start generating labels or use it to rate shop.

Getting Started

You will need to reach out to eHub to initiate the process for applying for an Amazon Shipping Ground Service account.

Name required

All Orders utilizing Amazon Shipping will require that the Name be passed along. Users will need to ensure the Attention field is populated in InfoPlus.

One way this can be done is via the API by using the shipToAttention field.

Email address required in shipTo

All Orders utilizing Amazon Shipping will require an email address for the Ship To Address.

This must be included in the Ship To address and is enforced by Amazon. While this is not a required field within the InfoPlus UI, a general error message will appear when attempting to generate labels or rate shop with an Amazon Shipping parcel account if there is no email address provided.

If you get an error message, check to ensure an email address has been provided, as well as to verify the format so that it can be recognized as an email address.

Email address required in Return Address

In addition to the shipTo address, Amazon Shipping also requires that an email address is provided for the return address.  You will need to use the Override Return Address table to add the email address for your return address for each LOB that will be utilizing Amazon Shipping.  

Note: It is possible to pass the email address using a Manifest Script but doing so will prevent users from being able to take advantage of rate shopping.