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  2. Getting Started
  3. Step 3: Setting Up Shopping Carts, Integrations, and EDI

How to integrate an Amazon shopping cart with Infoplus using CartRover

To integrate your Amazon shopping cart into Infoplus, CartRover's e-commerce shopping cart integration application is required.

To integrate your Amazon shopping cart into Infoplus, CartRover's e-commerce shopping cart integration application is required. CartRover's step-by-step guide, Setting Up Infoplus Commerce provides instructions needed to integrate your Amazon CartRover Account into Infoplus.

NOTE: Company Identifier (Noted in CartRover's step-by-step guide) is your InfoPlus Domain URL when accessing your Infoplus Account (Example, companyname.infopluswms.com).

  1. API Key:  Generated from the User table by creating CartRover as a User. NOTE:  The CartRover User must have Permissions for the LOBs associated with it.
  2. After the user is created Create an API Key:

  3. Line of Business ID:  Located in Infoplus on your Line of Business table (Learn more about LOBs). NOTE:  This can be set to your LOB if you are a 3PL, then at the Cart Level you can assign what LOBs need to be added for your clients.

  4. Warehouse ID:  Located in Infoplus on your on your Warehouse table (Learn more about  Warehouses).

  5. Order Source ID:  Located in Infoplus on your on your Order Source table (Learn more about Order Sources).

By default, Infoplus does not detect and reject duplicate orders, see article Disable Duplicate Customer Order Numbers and SKUs; set Incoterms and other functions of the Order Property Table for guidance to Prevent Duplicate Orders in Infoplus.