To indicate that an item has been put away and is available for ordering, receipt of the item needs to be committed.
Commit Item Receipts
You can only commit items that are in a status of "In Receiving." The status of "Available" means the item receipt has already been committed.
NOTE: When the Receiving Worksheet was created, there was an Auto Commit field to be completed. If this field was set to "True", the receipt for each item on the worksheet was automatically committed when the item was put away. If this was set to "False", use the steps below to commit the items.
You can commit one or many item receipts from the Item Receipt table or by running the Commit Item Receipt process. Both the table and the process provide the same functionality.
Commit Item Receipts from the "Item Receipt" Table:
- Access the "Item Receipts" table. Two methods:
- From the Dashboard: click the "Warehouse Operations" Tab, click the "Receiving" App, then click the "Item Receipt" Table.
- From the Quick Actions shortcut: Press a dot (.) on your keyboard, then select "Item Receipt" from the list of Quick Actions.
NOTE: You can also access Item Receipts from within other related records. For example, when viewing the Receiving Process or a Purchase Order, you can click the Id link next to a receipt to view the Item Receipt record. - Click the checkbox next to each Item Receipt to be committed. (You can select multiple receipts to commit.) NOTE: You can also open an Item Receipt record to commit it.
- Click the Actions button and select Commit Item Receipt. The Review screen appears.
- Review the planned results. If acceptable, click Submit to commit all receipts that can be committed. The Confirmation screen appears.
Commit Item Receipts using the "Commit Item Receipt" Process:
- Access the "Commit Item Receipt" Process. Two methods:
- From the Dashboard: click the "Warehouse Operations" Tab, click the "Receiving" App, then click the "Commit Item Receipt" Process.
- From the Quick Actions shortcut: Press a dot (.) on your keyboard, then select "Commit Item Receipt" from the list of Quick Actions. - Click the checkbox next to each Item Receipt to be committed. You can select multiple receipts to commit.
- Click the Next button at the bottom of the window. The Review screen appears.
- Review the planned results. If acceptable, click Submit to commit all receipts that can be committed. The Confirmation screen appears.