This is a list of errors you might encounter during fulfillment. Copy the error you see in Infoplus and Cmnd+F to search for it on this page.
Error messages during order fulfillment will prevent an order from fulfilling. Many errors can be easily remedied. Here is a list of all the Fulfillment Process errors you may run into in Infoplus.
If you encounter an unknown error, please contact Infoplus Support.
Error Messages Related to Shipping |
What Errors Mean For Infoplus Users |
The Ship To Postal Code is missing or invalid. Use the Format ##### or ######### where # represents a single number. Add the Postal Code and try again. | The zip code is invalid. User must add a valid zip code in order to ship order. Correct this information and run fulfillment again. |
The Ship To Phone Number must be at least 10 alphanumeric characters. Update the Phone Number on the Order and try again. | Invalid phone number. User entered less than 10 numbers. Correct this information and run fulfillment again. |
The Tracking Code is missing or invalid. Please contact Infoplus Support. | There is no tracking code associated with this order. An order cannot ship without a tracking code. User must contact Infoplus Support to resolve this issue. |
An error occurred in EasyPost. Please contact Infoplus Support. | This is an error with one of Infoplus's third-party integrations. If this message is present, user should contact Infoplus Support, so that they can make the third party company aware of the error. |
A problem has occurred. The requested rate is not available on one of the shipments for this Order. | Please contact Infoplus Support if this error message is present. The parcel rate has not been returned for this order, preventing it from shipping. |
This SKU is missing a footprint. | Please update the item's footprint (Length, Width, and Height) in the Operations tab in the Item record in order to proceed. |
There are no available carton types for this LOB. | In order to proceed, the user will have to define a Carton Type for this LOB in the "Carton Type" table |
There are no lines available for cartonization. | There are no lines available for cartonization. |
This SKU was unable to be packed. | The SKU was unable to be packed. |
Allocating planned inventory to this order failed, due to inventory contention. |
This error occurs if too many processes are running concurrently, or one really large process gets pushed through at once. Essentially, due to the large number of processes being run at this time, the order prioritization rules will start blocking inventory from allocating until a "spot" can be found for them. To fix: Break the large order up into a few smaller batches and run it through fulfillment again. Make sure these processes aren't all running concurrently or you could run into this situation again. |
This Order has not yet been processed. | The order must be allocated before it can be shipped. Please cancel the process, allocate the order, then proceed. If the error persists, please contact Infoplus Support |
This Order has not yet been cartonized. | You can not process an order that hasn't been cartonized. If this error message displays, cancel the fulfillment process, cartonize the order and run fulfillment again. If the error persists, please contact Infoplus Support. |
This Order already has Parcel Shipments assigned. | This order is ready to be shipped and already has parcel labels and tracking codes associated with it. Remove this order from the process and run fulfillment again. |
This Order does not have a valid Parcel Account assigned. | In order to ship, there must be a valid Parcel Account associated with this order. Please verify your Parcel Account has been assigned to a warehouse, LOB, or Order Source. See Default Parcel Account for a Warehouse or Create a Parcel Account (for LOB or Order Source). |
This Order does not have a Parcel Account assigned. | In order to ship out of Infoplus, there must be a Parcel Account assigned to each order. See Create a Parcel Account to set up the Parcel Account for this LOB. |
An error has occurred. The Parcel Account " + req.getParcelAccountId() + " for this Order is not properly configured. It is missing the Manifest System Association. Please contact Infoplus Support. | In order to proceed, the Manifest System Association has to be properly configured. Please contact Infoplus Support for assistance. |
The Fulfillment Picking Rule is not defined. | You must go to Fulfillment Setup and define a picking rule in order to proceed with this process. If a Picking Rule is already set up, please contact Infoplus Support |
The Fulfillment Packing Rule is not defined. | You must go to Fulfillment Setup and define a packing rule in order to proceed with this process. If a Packing Rule is already set up, please contact Infoplus Support |
The Fulfillment Pick Sort Rule is not defined. | You must go to Fulfillment Setup and define a picking sort rule in order to proceed with this process. If a Picking Sort Rule is already set up, please contact Infoplus Support |
An error has occurred. No workfiles were found. Please contact Customer Support. | An error has occurred. No workfiles were found. Please contact Infoplus Support. |
This warehouse location was not found: " + workfile.getWarehouseLocation() | This is an invalid warehouse in Infoplus. Please verify that this warehouse exists. If it doesn't, please choose another warehouse for this process. If the warehouse does exist, please verify the spelling is an exact match, including all characters and spaces. If the error persists, please contact Infoplus Support. |
This Fulfillment Process does not have a valid Packing Slip Template assigned. | You have chosen to use a predefined Packing Slip Override option in the Fulfillment Plan, but there Packing is no Packing Slip Template assigned. Please assign a Packing Slip Template to the order(s) in question OR assign a valid packing slip override in this Fulfillment Plan. |
This Order does not have a valid Packing Slip Template assigned. | Please verify that this order has a valid Packing Slip assigned. Packing slips can also be defaulted via the order source. |
This Order does not have a Process No assigned. | Please contact Infoplus Support |
You cannot use version 2 for this process because: - One or more orders on the items have a Supplement Setup. (See XXXX for one example) |
Either switch the fulfillment allocation version from 2.0 to 1.0 or change your smart filter bringing in the orders to exclude any that have supplements set up. |
You cannot use version 1 for this process because: - One or more orders you have selected has the same SKU on more than one line item (See order number XXX for one example) |
Either switch the fulfillment allocation version from 1.0 to 2.0 or change your smart filter bringing in the orders to exclude any that have the same SKU on more than one line item. |
Unsupported combination of required allocation features not compatible for fulfillment. - One or more items on the orders have a Supplement setup (See SKU XXX for one example) You can not use version 1.0 for this process because: - One or more line items on the orders you have selected have a dynamic kit (See order No. XXX for one example) |
Orders in your fulfillment process have requirements for both version 1.0 and version 2.0 of allocation. During a fulfillment process, only one version can be utilized. How to Fix It: Change your smart filter to only bring in orders that fit the requirements of only V1 or V2. Then, run a second fulfillment process for the remaining orders that do not fit with the already used version. |