Hold Codes

Use and understand hold codes in Infoplus for enhanced control over your inventory and fulfillment processes.

Infoplus orders have an attribute called the hold code that is used for two purposes:

  • A grouping mechanism that holds orders out of normal processes.
  • Controls whether an order is 'ship complete' or not.
Value Description
Y Order is not held out of normal processes but is coded ship complete
N Order is not held out of normal processes
Order is held out of normal processes, group mechanism, with ship complete
H This value is held out of all processes. It will never process until it is modified
Order is held out of normal processes, group mechanism, without ship complete

For editing and adding hold codes to a single order:

1. Go to the order table, pick the order you'd like to edit, and click on it (or search for it)

2. On the order, press 'Actions' at the top right of the browser and select 'Edit'

3. Within Editing Order, scroll down and open the 'Details' tab, and select 'Hold Code'

4. Select the new hold code, and click 'Save' at the bottom right of the screen

Notes for Using Hold Codes: 

When you use Hold Codes, they should be defined by your standard operating procedures. Each Infoplus customer uses Hold Codes in a different way and Infoplus clients are responsible for owning their Hold Code processes. 

For additional clarity, Infoplus users are able to customize hold code A-E for your specific business rules. You can set up a grouping mechanism that holds orders out of normal processes, like a smart filter, and set it to that code. Then, you filter by that specific hold code to change the orders as needed before you ship. Hold Codes 1-5 are similar, but without 'ship complete' turned on.

Pro Tip: These hold codes control whether an order is 'ship complete'. Orders that are "ship complete" won't process unless there is enough available inventory to fulfill the full quantity of all line items on the order.

Hode Code Troubleshooting:

An Order that enters the Infoplus from any number of automated Order Sources, like a shopping cart connection, may receive a value in the Hold Code field in the form of an "H". As noted above, the "H" hold code will restrict all movement on this order until the hold code value is modified. This also shows on the Order table as "Not Fulfillable" in the Fulfillability column even if all the Order's inventory is available.

The Fulfillability message shows the above note. To remove the "H" hold code, a user with the correct level of permissions will need to edit the Order after reviewing the reason for the hold. See if there are notes in the "Item Notes" tab or in the "Notes" page at the top of the Order.

Looking at the Order Details tab will show you the "Hold Code" value Edit the order to change that value to one that reflects the necessary value.