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  2. Mobile Floor Apps [WIP]

Mobile Floor App: Searching by barcodes

This article will explore how to enable searching by additional barcodes when using the Mobile Floor App to perform functions like Relocations, Adjustments, or Status changes.

By default, the Mobile Floor App does not use the fields Inner Pack BarcodeCase Barcode, or Pallet Barcode when searching inventory.

If users want to be able to use these fields to identify inventory when using the Mobile Floor App, there are two requirements:

1: Ensure these values are set on the Item record

For this criteria to be searchable, it must be present on the Item. Users can check these values by going to the Item record, then navigating to the Operations tab and scrolling down, like so:

2: Enable them on the Warehouse record

After ensuring the values are set on the Item(s) users want to be able to search for, enable it by going to the Warehouse record, then clicking the Item Barcode Fields tab. To enable the inner pack, case, and pallet barcodes, check the rightside column on this tab called Inventory Search Fields like so:

These will be set to "False" by default. To include them when searching inventory with the Mobile Floor App, change the desired fields to "True" and save your changes.