- Knowledge Base
- Getting Started
- Step 7: Mobile Floor Apps
Getting Started
- Setting Up Your Test Site
- Step 1: Warehouse Configuration
- Step 2: Hardware Configuration
- Step 3: Setting Up Shopping Carts, Integrations, and EDI
- Step 4: Dashboard and Navigation
- Step 5: Item Configuration
- Step 6: Smart Filters & User Reports
- Step 7: Mobile Floor Apps
- Step 8: How To Receive and Put Away
- Step 9: Inventory Management
- Step 10: Warehouse Documents and Printing
- Step 11: Navigating Orders
- Step 12: Order Fulfillment / Picking
- Step 13: Packing and Shipping
Use Cases
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Modern Mobile Floor App: Barcode Scans for Pack Station Functions
Examples barcodes you can customize and use to speed up and streamline your picking process in the Infoplus mobile apps.
If you want your packers to be able to scan barcodes to navigate through the packing process rather than clicking buttons on the device itself, the barcode examples below will enable just that. Simply scan these in any place a button would normally be pushed.
Select Carton Type
- Carton Type
- ->$carton.id (carton id found via the carton type table)
Skip Carton Type
Enter Dimensions
Add All Items
Close Carton
Unpack Carton