A test site is a sandbox for users to test new ideas, reports, parcel accounts, etc. A live site is where your business actually runs and connects with external systems.
When you sign up for Infoplus, you will be given access to two sites:
- Your Test Site gives you a safe place to learn and experiment.
- Your Live Site is where you’ll set up your actual instance of Infoplus.
Test Site Facts:
Your Test Site is a place to play and learn; even run a few tests with your real data. Note these important considerations:
- Data loaded on your Test Site cannot be “moved” to your Live Site later: data will need to be loaded in your Live Site separately.
- The Test Site cannot be “reset” or emptied to start over.
- The Test Site is pre-populated with example data to get you going, including an example warehouse setup.
NOTE: The test site data is dormant unless used, changes in the live site don’t include changes in the test site unless you update the test site to match the live site.
See Learn Infoplus Using Your Test Site to get started.
Live Site Facts:
Your Live Site is purposefully empty; a clean slate. Note these important considerations:
- This is where you will set up Infoplus to run your business.
- Some aspects of setting up your Live Site cannot be reversed.
- Your Live Site cannot be “reset” or emptied to start over.
- It is where we’ll help set up your integrations such as your parcel carriers, shopping cart, and printers/scanners.
- Your Live Site is the real deal, definitely not a place to mess around.
See Get Started Using Your Live Site.
Get Started
When you log into your Infoplus Test and Live Sites for the first time, you will see a "Get Started" link at the top of the site near the logo. This provides a list of logical steps to get familiar with Infoplus. When you click on each step, you will be taken to the app in Infoplus where you will perform that step, and a one-time informational modal will appear with a brief introduction and links to related Knowledge Base articles.
You may remove the "Get Started" module when you're done with it. You can always turn it back on by going to your User Profile page and using the toggle switch.
Note: The steps for your Test Site and Live Site are unique. This is because your Test Site is where you'll play around and practice, and your Live Site is where you'll load your real data.
How to Get Help
Infoplus offers many ways to get help, from in-application learning to the Support Site. See all the Ways to Get Help.