Use filters and triggers to set up notifications for any specific activities that occur in Infoplus you would like to be notified about.
Get notified when automated activities occur in Infoplus, such as a Trigger. When creating a Trigger, by default, you are added as a user to be notified regarding activity on the Trigger. You can also add other users to be alerted.
NOTE: The user's Alert Settings control which type of Trigger alerts are received (i.e., Info, Warnings, or Errors) and where (i.e., email or dashboard). See Edit Alert Settings for more information.
Here's an example of a Trigger alert on the Dashboard:

Click on the Alert for more details. See View Alert Details for more information.
Add Alert Recipients to Triggers
- Access the Manage Triggers window by pressing the dot (.) on your keyboard and selecting Manage Triggers from the drop-down menu. The Manage Triggers window appears showing all Triggers created for the Line of Business you have access to. Here's an example of the window showing one Trigger:
Click the number that appears in the Users to Alert column for the trigger. A drop-down menu will appear:
Click Create New. The Add User to Alert screen appears.
Click on the user and click Add. You can only add one user at a time.
NOTE: Use the Categories on the left and/or the "Search users" field at the top to quickly find users.
The user will now receive Trigger alerts based on their Alerts Settings. See Edit Alert Settings for more information.
Delete Alert Recipients
- Access the Manage Triggers window by pressing the dot (.) on your keyboard and selecting Manage Triggers from the drop-down menu.
- Click the number that appears in the Users to Alert column for the trigger. A drop-down menu will appear:
- Click the trash can icon (
) next to the user name that you no longer want to receive alerts.
Click OK through the confirmation message. The user will no longer receive alerts about this Trigger.