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    August 30, 2024

    Infoplus Product Update - August 30 2024

    The Headlines: 

    In our latest release, we have some helpful changes to make certain functions easier to use.

    • International Shipments through eHub

    • Surepost Rate Shop not returning rates

    • Email Template Remove Comma - From Name

    International Shipments through eHub

    Shipments to US territories via eHub will no longer require a Manifest Script to generate shipping labels. This should make these types of shipments much easier and speed up the workflow around them significantly.

    Surepost Rate Shop not returning rates

    Users have experienced issues when rate shopping with Surepost where rates would not be returned. If you or other users on your team experience this issue, please submit a ticket to our Support team to have this fixed.

    Email Template Remove Comma - From Name

    Previously, an error was received if the "From" name in the email template included a comma, such as "Warehouse, LLC" which resulted in emails not being sent. This format is now acceptable and that error will no longer be received.


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