Product Updates and New Releases

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August 06, 2018

This week's release is focused on enhanced picking and manufacturing features for Job and Light Manufacturing. The enhancements made to Jobs allows...

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May 31, 2018

This week’s release is packed full of upgrades, new features and bug fixes. Allowing you to create and organize complex reports, generate more in...

May 11, 2018

This week's release introduces the new Light Manufacturing module. This goal of this new module is to provide a way for Infoplus users to plan and...

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April 27, 2018

This week's release is focused on giving you more control, data, and flexility when setting up and running Order Fulfillment plans. In addition...

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April 13, 2018

This week's release is focused on updates to Infoplus Pick-to-Cart picking methodology and pushing Support to the next level. Between the two,...

March 29, 2018

This week’s release includes a number of bug fixes, as well as a new feature we’re excited to introduce: File Manager. Remove email from your...

March 16, 2018

Our latest update has an even bigger number of features and improvements that we’re excited about sharing with you!

March 09, 2018

Our latest update provides a couple of important bug fixes that we’re excited to release!Updated Magento IntegrationUsers can now import into...

March 02, 2018

Our latest update provides a number of requested features that we’re excited about introducing!


February 23, 2018

Item Serial Numbers

September 29, 2017

The following update encompasses the last two product sprints done by our team (Sprint 72 & 73).

September 01, 2017

Fulfillment Processing 2.0 (Beta)

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