Product Updates and New Releases

Infoplus Product Update - January 14 2022

Written by Carolyn Jackson | Jan 14, 2022 4:24:39 PM

The Headlines:

This release has stories from a rollback that was performed on December 10th. Here are the highlights:

  • Email Templates Can Not Be Deleted if Tied to an Order Sources
  • Leading Zeros Not Available for Item Categories/Subcategories
  • Better Handling of Scripts that Error Out Due to Size

Email Templates Can Not Be Deleted if Tied to an Order Source

Previously, if you deleted an email template and it was tied to an existing order source, you would encounter an error when an email tried to send to a customer, but no longer existed. 

Now, Infoplus will prompt you to untie an email template from an order source before you are able to delete it.

Leading Zeros Not Available for Item Categories/Subcategories

Previously, if you added leading zeros to the Item category or subcategory, Infoplus would drop the leading zeros and only select the numbers that start thereafter for the category/subcategory. The system might then recognize 001 and 1 as the same ID, causing issues for users who wanted these two categories to be different. 

This would cause problems for users who expected to see the leading zeros but did not when searching for their items. 

Now, when users create a category/subcategory they are NOT allowed to add a leading zero to the ID field.

Better Handling of Scripts that Error Out Due to Size

When a user’s script returns an error and is over 64KB, it can get stuck in a loop where it continues to re-run itself unsuccessfully. 

With this update, if a script exceeds 64KB of memory and it returns an error, the user will receive an error message notifying them that the script returned an error instead of that script re-running over and over.

New and Updated Knowledge Base Articles

We are always updating, editing, and adding new Knowledge Base articles to better address common questions and scenarios our clients bring to us. Check out these recently new or updated articles for insight into best practices within Infoplus:
