Infoplus Product Update - January 19 2024

The Headlines:
Hey everyone, Happy 2024!
Exciting news in our latest release – we've sorted out some important bugs to make our system even better. These fixes are all about boosting performance and reliability. Take a look, give them a spin, and let us know how it goes. Here's to a smooth user experience!
- Supporting "Hazmat Type" with USPS
- Bug Fix: Rate Shop with eHub FedEx SmartPost
- Bug Fix: EDI 997 Document GS01 Segment and GS04 Date Format
- Bug Fix: Release Backorders with Prior/Current Receipt Distribution Date
- Bug Fix: Job Duplicate Input/Output Validation
Supporting "Hazmat Type" with USPS
Last year, USPS announced the requirement to send “Hazmat Type” for hazmat items in shipment requests. Infoplus now supports the selection of a “ USPS Hazmat Type” on Item records to comply with this requirement.
On Item records under the “Details” tab, users will notice the field “USPS Hazmat Type.” Clicking the dropdown next to this field will allow the selection of supported USPS hazmat item types. The value of “HAZMAT” must be set to “Yes” in order to select a “USPS Hazmat Type” value.
If a “USPS Hazmat Type” value is 1) selected on an item and 2) shipped on an order using USPS, this data is sent as the “Hazmat Type” to USPS. When a “Hazmat Type” value is sent in a shipment request, the resulting USPS parcel label will contain a service indicator “H” to indicate the package contains hazmat, “HAZMAT - Surface Transportation Only” underneath the return address, and “HAZMAT” after “USPS TRACKING #” above the tracking barcode. Here is an example label:
Please note that Infoplus only provides the ability to send the “Hazmat Type” in shipment calls made to USPS; this value is not sent for any other carrier. Any additional required documentation and labeling for USPS is the responsibility of the shipper to produce.
Bug Fix: Rate Shop with eHub FedEx SmartPost
FedEx SmartPost did not return rates when using eHub; users should now be able to Rate Shop with eHub FedEx SmartPost accounts without issue.
Bug Fix: EDI 997 Document GS01 Segment and GS04 Date Format
Previously, EDI 997 Documents were 1) missing their GS01 segments and 2) incorrectly formatting the year in the GS04 segment. Now, the GS01 segment has the "FA" functional identifier code and the date is formatted correctly in the GS04 segment (YYYYMMDD).
Bug Fix: Release Backorders with Prior/Current Receipt Distribution Date
Backorders were not automatically releasing as intended when an Item Receipt's Distribution Date was a current or prior date. Backorders will now automatically be released if enough inventory is received with an Item Receipt and the Receipt's Distribution Date is equal to or before the current date.
Bug Fix: Job Duplicate Input/Output Validation
Previously, Jobs were allowed to be created with duplicate Input or Output SKUs. An error will now be received when creating a Job fitting this scenario.
New and Updated Knowledge Base Articles
We are continually updating, editing, and adding Knowledge Base articles to better address common questions and scenarios our clients bring to us. Check out these new or updated articles for insight into best practices within Infoplus:
- Customizing Manifest Calls Using Scripts
- Return Shipment Table
- Shopping Cart Troubleshooting
- How to Enable eHub in Infoplus