Product Updates and New Releases

Infoplus Product Update - Jun 7 2024

Written by The Infoplus Team | Jun 10, 2024 1:05:01 PM

The Headlines: 

In our latest release, we're happy to announce we've fixed another bug and added a couple of enhancements.

  • Shopping Cart Connection Inventory Sync for up to 10 Warehouses
  • USP DAP Now Supported
  • Item Serial Scheme Enforced when Shipping via Desktop
  • Bug Fix: LPNs and Perpetual Inventory Log

Shopping Cart Connection Inventory Sync for up to 10 Warehouses

When selecting "Inventory Level Warehouse Controls" - "Specify Warehouses" in a Shopping Cart Connection record, clients will now be able to include up to the 10th warehouse in their site (previously supported up to the 5th warehouse).

UPS DAP Now Supported

Infoplus now supports UPS DAP (Digital Access Program) accounts. These accounts are set up with EasyPost/eHub, and the credentials are set up in Infoplus as a normal UPS parcel account.

Item Serial Scheme Enforced when Shipping via Desktop

When using the "Ship Parcel Order," "Ship Non-Parcel Order," or "Execute External Shipment" actions on Order records, if any items on the Order have an Item Serial Scheme requiring outbound serial number recording, an error will now be received, as the serial number must be captured in the Mobile Apps prior to shipping.

Bug Fix: LPNs and Perpetual Inventory Log

When a LPN location is reduced to 0 quantity, Infoplus evaluates this location and deletes it. A bug was causing some depleted LPN locations to still display with quantity values on the Perpetual Inventory Log. This has been addressed, and now LPN locations that have been automatically deleted due to having 0 quantity will not display with quantities on the Perpetual Inventory Log.