Product Updates and New Releases

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May 28, 2021

The Headlines: Visibility for Allocated, But Not Yet Picked Quantity, Enhanced EDI Error Messaging + Bug Fixes

Infoplus released some updates,...

February 12, 2021

Users can manually key in the quantity of a SKU that is in each order when the new setting is set to true in the Warehouse table. This update will...

January 11, 2021

The Infoplus product team wrapped up 2020 with a focus on stability and usability improvements to our mobile floor apps, scripts, and shipping &...

November 24, 2020

You can now scan SKUs, UPCs, or custom fields from your Item table in addition to order numbers and LPNs when packing and shipping orders in the...

October 12, 2020

You can now choose documents to automatically print or display in each of the Infoplus Mobile Floor Apps. This update provides additional...

September 11, 2020

You can now use Infoplus to fulfill orders for the Subscription Box business model, where you ship a variety of SKUs in each box to your subscribers. 

August 28, 2020

Infoplus now has the ability for you to create Warehouse Loads, to track your outbound pallets, master cartons, and staged cartons, along with...

July 22, 2020

We are excited to give all Infoplus users advanced notice about some new features which we are planning to roll out in the next few weeks to support...

July 17, 2020

You can now generate 4x6 or 4x8 inch packing slips and order assembly guides within Infoplus, to give you more control over your printing needs...

May 08, 2020

The Infoplus Product team has been focused on stability, performance, and bug fixes over the past several weeks. These efforts have impacted many...

March 20, 2020

Over the past month the Infoplus product team has pushed out more than 30 improvements and fixes, giving you a more powerful, stable, and flexible...

February 07, 2020

Two new capabilities have been added to Infoplus, to give you more control of your parcel labels and order-specific inventory allocation.  

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