Product Update: Per-Order Assembly Instructions, Perpetual Inventory Log, and Parcel Rate Lookups
Per-Order Assembly Instructions
To help streamline the communication of critical order-level instructions, as part of your fulfillment operations, we have added two new fields on the orders table. First, at the order level, in the Order Assembly tab at the bottom of the screen, a field for Order Assembly Instructions has been added. Second, when adding or editing Line Items, under the Advanced section, line item level Assembly Instructions can also be set.
These special instructions, specific to an individual order, will appear on the Order Assembly Guide that’s produced when you run fulfillment in Infoplus, giving your packers the information they need to properly assemble each order, to meet your clients needs.
You can also set values in these fields via the Infoplus API, or through a Script in Infoplus. When combined with the other Building Blocks (such as Smart Filters and Triggers), you can customize your workflows, to add instructions to specific orders, based on any other attributes of the orders, their SKU’s, the customer, integrations with external systems, or whatever your business needs.
And remember, our support team is always here to help you come up with solutions for your challenges, using this or any other features we have. Just click the button in Infoplus, and send us a note.
Get a deeper view of your inventory
In this release, we have exposed a new low-level view of your inventory in Infoplus. In the new Perpetual Inventory Log table, you have access to a full view of each of your item receipts, broken out over all of the warehouse locations that the receipt is currently in, or has previously been in, giving you both a historical view of what’s been where in your warehouses, or, if you query for quantity greater than 0, what’s currently on-hand.
This table brings together all of the details from your items, item receipts, and warehouse locations, including all custom fields you have setup on your items and receipts, making it a one-stop destination to bring together all of this data, in the most detailed way possible.
New Lookup Parcel Rates process
We have a new process available in Infoplus, to allow you to lookup parcel rates, using the parcel accounts you have configured in Infoplus and our integrations with your carriers. You can launch this process when viewing an Order, from the Actions Menu’s Lookup Parcel Rates option. Or you can run this process from the Manifest Setup app (via the Quick Actions / “dot” menu), without selecting an Order, and enter the specific data (address, weight, dimensions) for the rates you want to look up. You can choose to either get rates for just one of your accounts, or all of them, and you can download the rates into Excel using the Actions button on the Results screen.
Release 6/14/2017
- IPWMS-7120 New to "Lookup Parcel Rates" process
- IPWMS-7500 Bug in Fulfillment Pick Work beta app - "next pick" counts can be off
- IPWMS-7525 Bug with State being required for international orders in Modify-Processed-Orders process
- IPWMS-7530 Add ability to edit custom fields on Item Receipts
- IPDESK-1135 Name incorrectly being treated as unique field on Carton Type table
- IPDESK-1129 Inventory Snapshot table failing to populate for some clients
- IPDESK-1118, IPDESK-1090 Intermittent failures generating subscriptions to Filters and Reports
Release 6/21/2017
- IPDESK-1144 Logged Time table was not being populated by beta Ops apps
- IPDESK-1148 beta Ship station - control-d is mapped to both skip-dimensions and open-docs (so it only does open-docs)
- IPWMS-6649 ASN entry allows Freeze Receipt directives for non strict lot control items
Release 6/28/2017
- IPWMS-7126 Add contextual data (e.g., Process number and plan name) to Find Work app
- IPWMS-7526 Expose Perpetual Inventory Log table in Infoplus
- IPWMS-7579 Create order & line-item level Assembly Instructions; apply to OAG
- IPDESK-1163 Allow orderNo for Bill of Lading to be set through scripts & api
- IPDESK-1152 Pack Station bug - unable to fully pack order if item allocated from more than 1 PO