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    September 13, 2024

    Infoplus Product Update - September 13 2024

    The Headlines: 

    In our latest release, we have some helpful changes to make certain functions easier to use.

    • ASN Validation

    • Manifest Partner ID editing on an existing EasyPost account

    • Block saving of parcel accounts with LOB association as warehouse default account

    ASN Validation

    With ASN validation, users will be prevented from creating ASNs with the type Job, Blind, or Return, as well as editing existing ASNs to type Job, Blind, or Return.

    Manifest Partner ID editing on an existing EasyPost account

    As implied, this allows users to change existing Manifest Partner IDs on an existing EasyPost account, giving users more control over this function.

    Block saving of parcel accounts with LOB association as warehouse default account

    Parcel accounts that specify a Line of Business in the parcel account can no longer be assigned as the default parcel account for a warehouse.


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