Infoplus released some updates, enhancements, and bug fixes last night. Below is a list of all the updates that went out with this Product Update. Continue reading for a detailed description of some of the more impactful updates below.
To stay in compliance with iOS and keep the Infoplus Companion App up to date, we made some updates and improvements to the app. Here is what's new:
Please Note: You will need to update the Infoplus Companion App via the iOS app store on your mobile device to see these changes.
Showing and Auto-printing documents from the Pack Station were not working for some users. Now, users should be able to set up to show or auto-print in the Pack Station via the 'More' menu > Document Setup and see their documents and print them automatically with no issues.
Infoplus can integrate with Passport via EasyPost. Passport is a parcel carrier that specializes in international shipping for e-commerce clients. Infoplus can set up Passport as a carrier for you. This makes it more convenient to ship to Australia and other international sites when using Passport via EasyPost. For example, Infoplus has made adjustments so that Provinces in Australia are now acceptable address locations to ship to using Passport. For information about how to set up PassPort and connect it to Infoplus go here.
On the Warehouse table in Infoplus, we added clarification on the Address field. This field now lives in the Location Setup tab at the bottom of the Edit Warehouse screen (Previously, it was called Address and was in the upper screen under Name).
The Warehouse Address for Location Address Schemes is a shorthand code used to reference your warehouse. It's useful when naming locations in your warehouse. Ex: Indicate an S on a location label to show that the location is in the South warehouse.